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    Flipgrid is a video conversation app that allows you to pose a questions and gather responses as short video clips
    The Catchbox is a soft foam throw able microphone that can help amplify student and instructor voices and be a teaching tool to increase discussion and interactive participation activities in medium to large classroom spaces. There are Catchboxes set up in a various classrooms that are connected through the room's sound system.
    Do you want to make your presentations better understood for everyone in the room?  People may have difficulty hearing from the back row or with other noise in the room or be a native speaker in another language. Live Subtitles are available in PowerPoint and can provide captions for your presentation or on a blank slide on the screen to show captions.
    The Office of Communications and Public Affairs created a set of Bowdoin Zoom backgrounds to use during classes and meetings. Backgrounds are useful for blocking distractions happening behind you like your cat wanting attention!