Request software for a computer lab(s)


Make a request for software to be installed from one or all computer labs across campus. This service request is intended to be able to ask for new software to be installed that may not already be present, rather than updating any software that is already installed. 


  • New software requests may require a meeting with a representative from Information Technology or from Academic Technology prior to installation
  • All software requests require a minimum of a two-weeks notice before the expected first-use
  • If there are costs associated with the request, the request may be postponed until a later budget cycle or until funding can be acquired.
  • There are some circumstances where new software requests will not be approved
    • If the software being requested is not compatible with other software, the operating systems in the labs or for safety/security reasons.
    • Funding has not been approved
    • Installation is too complex to be installed mid-semester and therefore must wait until a semester break
    • In any case, we will work with you to determine an alternative software package if possible
  • In some cases, in order to make software function in a multi-user environment such as a college computer lab, workarounds or extra steps may need to be taken by an end-user that may not be needed if installed on a personal computer. Instructions will be provided if this is found to be the case.

Available For

Any faculty or staff member may request software to be added to a computer lab. If software is needed for student use, the request must be submitted by a sponsoring faculty ot staff member.


If new software is approved and installed, support for the function of the software may not be guaranteed. Many factors go into properly functioning applications and due to the sheer volume of software installed across campus, new additions may not be supportable. However, we will work to assist in any way possible if needed.

Support Promise

We will work to acknowledge any request within 1 business day and, if approved, have the software installed before the due date requested in at least the primary computer lab that is being taught in.

Request Software


Service ID: 16671
Tue 12/13/16 10:50 PM
Thu 8/24/17 2:36 PM