Technology Enhanced Spaces

Request support for spaces on campus that leverage technology, including classrooms, some computer labs, conference rooms, and more.

Categories (2)

Classrooms and Classroom Technology

Support and services for Bowdoin College classrooms.
- Report issue with classroom technology
- Request assistance or training with classroom equipment
- Request software for classroom use
- More...

Computer Labs

Support and services for Bowdoin College computer labs

Services (3)

Report a Classroom Technology Issue

Request service for issues relating to any classroom and/or AV technology in a classroom. This can include the computer, projectors, audio issues, bluray players, etc.

Request Orientation on Classroom or Lab AV Technology

Request orientation on Bowdoin's classroom AV technology. Orientation includes any of the basic features available in most of Bowdoin's classrooms.

Request AV Assistance for an Event

Information on when and how to ask for AV assistance for an event.