Tool: Increasing Library guest PaperCut balance


The Library Guest Printing tool allows Library staff to check and increase the balance of a Library guest PaperCut printing card.


  • To use this tool, click on the Increase Balance button.
  • Once you are authorized (you must be a member of the Library Staff group), enter the username printed on the front of the Library Guest Print Card.
  • Click Lookup
  • A balance will be returned along with the projected maximum print jobs available for both color and black and white.
    • If the balance on the card is less than $10.00 you will see an Adjust Balance button. Clicking it will increase the balance on the card by a set amount of $10.00.
    • If the balance is at or over $10.00, the Adjust Balance button will be disabled.
  • Note: At any time, you can click Reset Form to return the form back to its starting state.

Additional Help

If you need assistance with this tool, please contact the Service Desk.

Increase Balance

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