Devices, Printing, Scanning, Software, & AI

Support for college-owned devices, printers, software, and AI available to faculty, staff, and students

Categories (8)

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Create requests and get information about AI / Generative AI tools

Borrowing Equipment

Equipment is available from the IT Loaning Center for class use, departmental use and personal use. Equipment is available for varying lengths of time depending on the use and is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Equipment may be picked up at 16 Station Avenue or at the Tech Hub in Smith Union.

Laptops and Desktops

Request assistance with a Bowdoin-issued laptop or desktop computer or lookup your computer's specific recovery key (Bitlocker or FileVault).

Printing and Scanning/Copying

Support for PaperCut, printing, scanning, and copying

Technology Purchasing

Request assistance or information on making technology purchases including personal purchases and hardware or software purchases of departmental use.

Computer Peripherals

Keyboards, mice, touchpads, screen privacy filters and more.

Software and Apps

Request help with software, software installation, software removal, app recommendations

Services (5)

Equipment Leaving Campus Notification

If you plan on bringing a monitor, desktop computer or other non-portable equipment home, please fill out this form.

Report Damaged or Broken DExC (Student) Device

Report a broken or damaged student Laptop, iPad, Magic Keyboard, or Apple Pencil.

Request macOS or Software Help with DExC Devices

Request help with macOS or with software related to or provided through DExC for students.

Office Technology Moves

Office technology moves are quite common across campus, especially at the end of each semester. Learn more about the services offered and request workstation setup from here. Please note that a work order to Facilities Management must be placed to physically move your equipment from one office to another.

Pickup hardware for recycling or disposal

Faculty and staff can request a pickup of Bowdoin-issued electronics to be disposed of, recycled or re-issued elsewhere on campus.