Tool: Lookup Device Ownership


This tool can be used by Bowdoin Security to allow them to look up Bowdoin-owned device assignments. This tool would be used to look up device assignments in the event that a piece of technology is turned in to Security for Lost and Found.

Devices that may be available include student laptops, iPads, Magic Keyboards and Apple Pencils, as well as faculty and staff laptops, tablets, etc.

Personal devices will not appear in this lookup as the College has no record of ownership


  1. Click on Lookup Device Ownership on this page.
  2. If you are not signed in, you will be prompted to do so.
  3. If you have permission to use the tool, you will be presented with a box to enter a serial number.
    1. Enter the device's serial number and click Search
    2. Information about the device such as model and assigned owner will be displayed.
    3. To enter another serial number, click Reset Form
  4. If you do not have permission to use the tool, you will be presented with an access denied message.

Additional Help

If you need assistance with this tool, please contact the Service Desk.

Lookup Device Ownership

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