How to set roles for meeting participants

Why assign different roles in a Teams meeting?

When you create a Teams meeting, you are the organizer and everyone else is a presenter. They can share content during the meeting, admit people from the lobby, and start or stop recordings.  Due to this you may want to limit the privileges available to those that are invited to attend a meeting.  

How to assign presenter and attendees' controls

Once you have created your teams meeting, (see "How to create a MIcrosoft Teams meeting" under the Related Articles section on the right), follow these steps to assign attendees with the permissions you want.

  • Select a meeting that has been created from the Teams calendar icon on the left hand side of the window.
  • Once your meeting is displayed, select Meeting options located above the meeting title bar.

Teams meeting screenshot

  • A new browser window will open.  From here you can select which attendee(s), if any, can present from the invited participants.


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Article ID: 102793
Tue 3/24/20 2:51 PM
Thu 4/2/20 9:41 AM
Platform Environment (OS)
Microsoft Teams

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Create ad-hoc and formal online meetings with Microsoft Teams