Teams Phones: Voice mail settings

Teams Calling: Voice mail settings

A step by step guide to accessing your voice mail from the Teams app on a computer, smart phone or the physical Teams phone.

Step by step guides

How to access your voice mail in Teams.

Teams app on the computer

  1. Click on the Calls button on the left side of the Teams app window.
  2. Click on Voice mail.
  3. Click on the message you want to listen to.
  4. Click the play button.
    1. To delete the message click on the three horizontal dots on the right side of the message and select Delete.

Teams physical phone

  1. Tap on the Voice mail button on the home screen.
  2. Tap on the message you want to hear.
  3. Tap on the play button.
    1. To delete the message tap on the trashcan icon.

Teams app on a smart phone

  1. Tap on the three horizontal dots with "More" beneath them.
  2. Tap on the Calls button.
  3. Tap on the voice mail icon in the upper right corner (looks like a cassette tape).
  4. Tap on the message you want to hear.
  5. Tap on the play button.
    1. To delete the message tap on the trashcan icon.

How to change your voice mail greeting.

Teams app on computer

  1. Click on the three horizontal dots nets to your account icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Click on Calls.
  4. Click on Configure voicemail
  5. Click on Record a greeting to record a new greeting OR type in what you want the greeting to be in the Text-to speech customized greeting option.
  6. Click on OK

Teams physical phone

  1. From the home screen, tap on your account icon (circle with your initials in it) in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Tap on Settings.
  3. Tap on Calling.
  4. Tap on Change voicemail greetings
  5. The phone will dial into the system, follow the voice prompts to play and record a new greeting.

Teams app on a smart phone

  1. Tap on the account icon (circle with your initials in it).
  2. Tap on Settings.
  3. Tap on Calling.
  4. Tap on Change voicemail greeting.
  5. The phone will dial into the system, follow the voice prompts to record a new greeting.


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Article ID: 133809
Tue 8/10/21 4:35 PM
Mon 5/2/22 3:36 PM