Cancel an existing scheduling poll


  • How can I cancel an existing scheduling poll?
  • What steps do I follow to cancel an existing scheduling poll?


This guide is for clients who have already created scheduling polls using Microsoft Schedule Polling and now wish to cancel them. It applies to both desktop and mobile versions of Microsoft Schedule Polling.


  1. Open Microsoft Schedule Polling from a web browser on your device.
  2. Go to the menu or main dashboard area.
  3. Look for an option labeled "Open Polls", "My Polls", or similar.
  4. Click on this option to see a list of your existing scheduling polls.

Canceling Your Existing Scheduling Polls

  1. Select the poll you wish to edit by clicking on it.
  2. Look for a Cancel poll button.
  3. Click Cancel poll.
  4. Click Yes to confirm deletion of the scheduling poll for all attendees.

The scheduling poll has been cancelled and attendees are no longer able to vote. No meeting will be scheduled

Additional Help

If you need further assistance, you can chat with Bowdoin Bot of contact the Bowdoin College Service Desk by phone at (207) 725-3030 or in person at the Tech Hub in Smith Union.

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