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    Information on how to perform an email merge with Microsoft Word and Outlook for macOS.
    Information on how to access and open a shared mailbox in Outlook.
    Information on how to install Microsoft Office 365, including Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook and more.
    Change category colors to improve visual presentation with only a few clicks. Applies to Windows desktop, Mac desktop, and Office365 web versions of Outlook.
    Information on how to turn the Focused Inbox feature of Outlook off or on.
    Information on what the Focused inbox is within Outlook
    Learn how to move email messages from your "Others" inbox to your "Focused" inbox, or vice versa.
    Information about Bookings with me, Microsoft's personal appointment system.
    Information on how a room resource can become double-booked in Outlook.
    Calendars are complex, and sometimes difficult, tools that we rely on every day and sometimes they don't work quite right. This article provides some best-practices on how to work with appointments and calendars to minimize issues that may come up.
    The knowledge base article provides a straightforward guide on creating a scheduling poll in Outlook Online using Microsoft Scheduling Poll.