Faculty, Staff, and Student Accounts


Accounts are provided to all current faculty, staff, and students that allow authentication access to various services including email, computers and more. Accounts are configured using information provided by Human resources and while many changes should be handled through HR, some requests can be made of Information Technology.

To see a list of of options to request of IT, see the service offerings on this page. For more information on each service offering, click an appropriate link under the "Service Offerings" section on this page.


Each service offering may have its own requirements and some may only be available for people with specific roles at the college. Most requests can be made by any current faculty, staff or student. If someone makes a request of a service that they're not permitted to make, they will be notified.


There are no costs associated with faculty, staff, and student accounts.

Service Promise

Offerings may have their own service promise, however most requests will be responded to within 2-3 business days with a resolution in 3-5 business days.

If you have questions, please contact the Service Desk at (207) 725-3030 or servicedesk@bowdoin.edu.