In order to synchronize documents from OneDrive online to a local computer, the sync client needs to be installed and setup. In most classrooms, computer labs and faculty and staff workstations the sync client is already installed. If you see the OneDrive sync client's cloud icon
in the Task Tray on Windows 10 or in the Finder menu bar in MacOS then you can skip to the configuration step below.
All Bowdoin computers should have the OneDrive sync client installed. If you are on a personal computer that does not have the OneDrive sync client, you can download and install it here.
Configuration of the OneDrive client is similar for both MacOS and Windows. Follow these steps to configure the basic sync settings.
- Click on the OneDrive icon either in the Task Tray in Windows, the Finder bar in MacOS or by launching the application itself on either OS.
- A window will appear letting you know that OneDrive isn't set up. Click Sign in.
(If the OneDrive cloud icon disapprears, wait 30 seconds for the application to update and then launch the application again.)

- Enter you Bowdoin email address in the field available on the "Set up OneDrive" window shown below

- Choose the option Work or School if presented with an option.
- You will be brought to the Bowdoin login page. Log in with your Bowdoin credentials
- It is our recommendation to keep the default location as presented. It will always be in the format of
- C:\Users\UserName\OneDrive - Bowdoin College if using Windows
- Macintosh HD\Users\UserName\OneDrive - Bowdoin College if using MacOS

- Click Next and continue through Get to Know Your OneDrive tutorial.
- Select any listed folder(s) you'd like to have sync with OneDrive. Folders will only show up if there are folders in OneDrive online. If there are no folders or files listed, you're all set. Any file or folder you place in your local OneDrive folder will automatically sync up to OneDrive online.
- Once complete, if you had any folders to sync, they'll download. Once complete, if you click on the OneDrive icon you will see a notification that all files are in sync.
- To more easily locate the files on your computer, click the OneDrive icon and select Open Folder and your OneDrive - Bowdoin College folder will open with all of the files that are syncing up to OneDrive.