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Services or Offerings?
Training is required for CMS access. Learn more about signing up.

Office technology moves are quite common across campus, especially at the end of each semester. Learn more about the services offered and request workstation setup from here. Please note that a work order to Facilities Management must be placed to physically move your equipment from one office to another.

Due to COVID-19, all Bowdoin staff have been asked to work remotely. IT is offering training sessions to assist learning some of the technologies available to work better or more efficiently away from campus.

Requests for Canvas

Request service for issues relating to any classroom and/or AV technology in a classroom. This can include the computer, projectors, audio issues, bluray players, etc.

Request orientation on Bowdoin's classroom AV technology. Orientation includes any of the basic features available in most of Bowdoin's classrooms.

Digital accessibility is the process of making digital products, such as websites, mobile apps, and other online tools, accessible to everyone. It is about ensuring all users can access the same information, regardless of ability.

Bowdoin has a large range of software titles available to faculty and staff that can be used for anything from office productivity to research. You can request an installation of a software title from here.