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Box is used by some departments in order to work with student employees on departmental materials. Department employee who need to be able to share folders and invite collaborators in Box need to request co-owner access to their department's Box folder. Student employee access is automatic from HR and access should not be requested through this process.

Information Technology has enabled a secure Scan to Box feature on the multi-function Ricoh printer/scanners on campus. Student employees and staff need to use this function in order to scan to a SCAN folder in the department's BOX folder.

Emergency phones, or blue-light phones, are scattered across campus and are available for use by anyone walking by needing assistance.

Faculty and staff can request a pickup of Bowdoin-issued computer hardware or consumer electronics to be disposed of, recycled or re-issued elsewhere on campus.

Lookup form designed for Bowdoin Security to use to lookup device ownership in the event of items being turned in to lost and found.

The College's current license agreements provide for faculty, administrative staff and students to download and install all Adobe products on Bowdoin-issued computers, personal computers or iPad OS.

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How to setup your Bowdoin calendar on your mobile device.