How to setup Apple's Mail app for iPhone or iPad

Configure Apple's iOS Mail App for Bowdoin email

  1. Open the Settings app on your Apple device.
  2. Tap on “Apps”, then “Mail”.
  3. Tap “Mail Accounts”.
  4. Tap “Add Account”.
  5. Choose “Microsoft Exchange”.
  6. Enter your Bowdoin email address and an account description, then tap “Next” and “Sign In”.
  7. Tap “Continue” on the popup that says “Settings wants to use ‘’ to sign in.”
  8. Enter your Bowdoin email address when prompted.
  9. Authenticate with OKTA or Another Factor
  10. Tap “Continue” on the popup that says “Do you trust”
  11. Tap “Save”, then open the Mail app to finish setting up your account.

Remove a Bowdoin email account from Mail

When you graduate, leave the college or otherwise just decide, you can remove your Bowdoin email account from the Mail app with the following steps.

  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Tap on “Apps”, then “Mail”.
  3. Tap “Mail Accounts”.
  4. Tap Exchange (or the name of your Bowdoin account).
  5. Tap Delete Account
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