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Services or Offerings?
Request card access and/or keys for an individual or group.

Students can request access to Apple-released software updates and upgrades when publicly available.

Request access to a shared calendar.

Use this request form to specify an end to previously-authorized card access.

Training is required for CMS access. Learn more about signing up.

VPN access may be available to faculty, staff, students and some research assistants. If you would like to request access, use the form attached to this service.

Request or remove access to many applications.
Note: Some applications have their own request processes and may not be available from this service

The College's current license agreements provide for faculty, administrative staff and students to download and install all Adobe products on Bowdoin-issued computers, personal computers or iPad OS.

How to setup your Bowdoin calendar on your mobile device.

Request access to or assistance with with DocuSign.