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Services or Offerings?
The following is just an example of what you can request assistance with:

Report a broken of damaged phone (non-green stripe phones)
Report an issue with Teams Calling
Request a Teams Phone

Can't find what you're looking for? Click use this service to create a ticket.

Request service for issues relating to any classroom and/or AV technology in a classroom. This can include the computer, projectors, audio issues, bluray players, etc.

If you would like to use a 2-step hardware token or have been assigned a 2-Step USB token but it has been lost, stolen or damaged, use this service to request a new one be assigned and configured for you.

Report a broken or damaged Laptop, iPad, Magic Keyboard, or Apple Pencil.

How to setup your Bowdoin calendar on your mobile device.

Report a Teams Calling issue with your phone or with the Teams app.

Request a physical Teams phone.

Report damage to an iPad, Apple Pencil, or Magic Keyboard.