Search12 Results

Services or Offerings?
Emergency phones, or blue-light phones, are scattered across campus and are available for use by anyone walking by needing assistance.

Green-stripe phones are analogue telephones located in multiple locations in each building that are designed to function in the case of a network outage or power failure. Green stripe phones are not the same as emergency, blue-light phones.

The following is just an example of what you can request assistance with:

Report a broken of damaged phone (non-green stripe phones)
Report an issue with Teams Calling
Request a Teams Phone

Office technology moves are quite common across campus, especially at the end of each semester. Learn more about the services offered and request workstation setup from here. Please note that a work order to Facilities Management must be placed to physically move your equipment from one office to another.

Request assistance with multi-factor authentication using Okta

How to request a new room calendar.

Report a broken or damaged Laptop, iPad, Magic Keyboard, or Apple Pencil.

Request a physical Teams phone.

Report a broken or damaged, non-green stripe phone

Report a Teams Calling issue with your phone or with the Teams app.

Report damage to an iPad, Apple Pencil, or Magic Keyboard.