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Services or Offerings?
Report a broken or damaged Laptop, iPad, Magic Keyboard, or Apple Pencil.

Request assistance for a non-student laptop or desktop computer.

Xfinity on Campus or XoC is a service which allows students the ability to stream live TV to laptops, desktops, mobile devices and Roku devices. If you are experiencing issues logging in to Xfinity on Campus, use this form to let us know.

Request help with macOS or with software related to or provided through DExC for students.

Students can request access to Apple-released software updates and upgrades when publicly available.

Lookup form designed for Bowdoin Security to use to lookup device ownership in the event of items being turned in to lost and found.

Request orientation on Bowdoin's classroom AV technology. Orientation includes any of the basic features available in most of Bowdoin's classrooms.

Request to borrow computer technology (computer, iPad, digital projector) for the IT Loaning Center through this service.

VPN access may be available to faculty, staff, students and some research assistants. If you would like to request access, use the form attached to this service.

Request repair support for a DExC student laptop