Search21 Results

Services or Offerings?

Request for service with shared email addresses such as creating a new address, accessing an address, and more.

Email is used as a major form of communication in our world today and we often rely heavily on the fact that it should simply work. Unfortunately, email is also a very technical concept and has a lot of moving parts that can cause it to fail. This service request form gives you the opportunity to let us know that you're experiencing an issue with your email so we can quickly direct the request to the right person or group to help resolve the issue quickly.

Mailman email lists are lists made up of a mix of Bowdoin email addresses and those outside of the college. They can be used for a variety of situations and purposes. This form walks you through the steps to request a new list.

A distribution list can be used to send e-mail messages to multiple people at once by sending mail to a single e-mail address. This form will allow you to request a distribution group that contains only addresses.

Report issues or make requests related to PaperCut Scanning

Removal of an established Exchange distribution group or Mailman list.

How to setup your Bowdoin calendar on your mobile device.

Requests related to Bowdoin faculty, staff, and student person accounts.

Request or remove access to many applications.
Note: Some applications have their own request processes and may not be available from this service

GraphPad Prism is no longer available for campus-wide use. A small number of licenses are available. You can make a request for a license key using this request form.