Search22 Results

Services or Offerings?
Groups can set up a Confluence space as a landing page to share information about their department.

Canvas is a web-based tool which students and faculty use to share educational resources with each other. Use the form on this page to request a new feature or to report a software bug.

Training is required for CMS access. Learn more about signing up.

Requests related to Bowdoin faculty, staff, and student person accounts.

Request service for a physical printer such as moving, adding, or removing one from use.

Information on when and how to ask for AV assistance for an event.

Students can request access to Apple-released software updates and upgrades when publicly available.

Requests for Canvas

Requests for accounts other than standard faculty, staff accounts such as contractors or temporary accounts.

Requests related to network files or folders

Report a broken or damaged Laptop, iPad, Magic Keyboard, or Apple Pencil.

Removal of an established Exchange distribution group or Mailman list.

Request or remove access to many applications.
Note: Some applications have their own request processes and may not be available from this service

Report issues or make requests related to PaperCut Scanning