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Bowdoin uses a media hosting platform called Panopto where instructors can store multimedia files. Panopto is integrated with Canvas, making it easier to upload and embed multimedia content stored in Panopto directly to your Canvas course site.
Padlet is an online virtual “bulletin” board, where students and teachers can collaborate, reflect, share links and pictures, in a secure location. Padlet can be integrated within Canvas.
Padlet is an online virtual “bulletin” board, where students and teachers can collaborate, reflect, share links and pictures, in a secure location. You can access a Padlet that has been added to a Canvas course page by your instructor on both your laptop and your iPad.
Poll Everywhere is a web-based audience response system designed to boost engagement and interaction in presentations, meetings, classrooms, and events. It allows you to create various live activities, like polls, Q&A sessions, quizzes, and word clouds, that your audience can participate in using their smartphones or any other web-enabled device.
NameCoach is a tool that allows name pronunciations to be accessed within Canvas.
How to record your name using NameCoach