Popular Services

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Request support related to Bowdoin's VPN service.

Report a broken or damaged student Laptop, iPad, Magic Keyboard, or Apple Pencil.

Request card access and/or keys for an individual or group.

Request orientation on Bowdoin's classroom AV technology. Orientation includes any of the basic features available in most of Bowdoin's classrooms.

Request support, report a bug, or request access (coming soon) to Amplify AI

Requests related to Bowdoin faculty, staff, and student person accounts.

Request assistance with PaperCut or with general printing services.

Emergency phones, or blue-light phones, are scattered across campus and are available for use by anyone walking by needing assistance.

The Service Desk is able to replace broken or damaged peripherals or work with you to purchase new peripherals to replace broken items purchased by a department in the past.

The following is just an example of what you can request assistance with:

Report a broken of damaged phone (non-green stripe phones)
Report an issue with Teams Calling
Request a Teams Phone

Bowdoin College provides a state of the art wireless network available from in every building and in most outdoor spaces. Access is available for every current faculty, staff and student by authenticating with your Bowdoin username and password on any device. If you are experiencing an issue connecting to wireless or are having other wireless issues, let us know.

Faculty and staff can request a pickup of Bowdoin-issued electronics to be disposed of, recycled or re-issued elsewhere on campus.

Information on when and how to ask for technology assistance for an event.

Request services related to Campus Groups, including creating groups, providing permissions, etc.

Request or remove access to many applications.
Note: Some applications have their own request processes and may not be available from this service

Submit service requests for the main Bowdoin website.

Bowdoin has a large range of software titles available to faculty and staff that can be used for anything from office productivity to research. You can request an installation of a software title from here.

Requests for accounts other than standard faculty, staff accounts such as contractors or temporary accounts.

Use this service to request iPad apps for class, install applications on classroom computers, report a classroom issue and more.

Request the creation of a Course folder for use in the current academic semester. All course folders are removed at the conclusion of a semester to make room for the next semester's requests.

Request for service with shared email addresses such as creating a new address, accessing an address, and more.

Request assistance for a non-student laptop or desktop computer.

Box is used by some departments in order to work with student employees on departmental materials. Department employee who need to be able to share folders and invite collaborators in Box need to request co-owner access to their department's Box folder. Student employee access is automatic from HR and access should not be requested through this process.

Request help managing a new system implementation or an IT-related project for your department.