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Services or Offerings?
Removal of an established Exchange distribution group or Mailman list.

Mailman email lists are lists made up of a mix of Bowdoin email addresses and those outside of the college. They can be used for a variety of situations and purposes. This form walks you through the steps to request a new list.

A distribution list can be used to send e-mail messages to multiple people at once by sending mail to a single e-mail address. This form will allow you to request a distribution group that contains only addresses.

Requests related to Bowdoin faculty, staff, and student person accounts.

Request the creation of a Course folder for use in the current academic semester. All course folders are removed at the conclusion of a semester to make room for the next semester's requests.

Training is required for CMS access. Learn more about signing up.

Report issues or make requests related to PaperCut Scanning

Request service for a physical printer such as moving, adding, or removing one from use.

The College's current license agreements provide for faculty, administrative staff and students to download and install all Adobe products on Bowdoin-issued computers, personal computers or iPad OS.

How to setup your Bowdoin calendar on your mobile device.