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Instructions on how to printer to a Bowdoin printer from a cellphone, smartphone, or other mobile device.
Calendars are complex, and sometimes difficult, tools that we rely on every day and sometimes they don't work quite right. This article provides some best-practices on how to work with appointments and calendars to minimize issues that may come up.
Information about restoring Okta Verify on the same mobile device.
Information on how to setup Okta Verify without using the QR code provided such as in the case of an inability to use the camera on your mobile device.
The Zoom desktop client, mobile app, and web client have different features than the Zoom web portal.
A full account for Zoom is available to all Bowdoin faculty, students and administrative staff. Follow the directions for logging in to the Zoom on the web, desktop, and mobile client.
Information on how to add Okta Verify to a new phone. These processes require that you either have both the old and new phones OR that you have additional factors on your Okta account (such as Touch ID) in order to log in to Okta without the use of your mobile device.
Information on what printer to use and in what scenario.
Information on how to apply a sensitivity label to a Microsoft 365 document.