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Services or Offerings?
Request assistance for a non-student laptop or desktop computer.

Use this service to request iPad apps for class, install applications on classroom computers, report a classroom issue and more.

Create a request if you would like to use Zoom in a classroom or computer lab and would like someone to go over the process and any setup that is required.

Request to borrow computer technology (computer, iPad, digital projector) for the IT Loaning Center through this service.

The College's current license agreements provide for faculty, administrative staff and students to download and install all Adobe products on Bowdoin-issued computers, personal computers or iPad OS.

Faculty and staff can request a pickup of Bowdoin-issued computer hardware or consumer electronics to be disposed of, recycled or re-issued elsewhere on campus.

If you plan on bringing a monitor, desktop computer or other non-portable equipment home, please fill out this form.

Request service for issues relating to any classroom and/or AV technology in a classroom. This can include the computer, projectors, audio issues, bluray players, etc.

Bowdoin has a large range of software titles available to faculty and staff that can be used for anything from office productivity to research. You can request an installation of a software title from here.

Office technology moves are quite common across campus, especially at the end of each semester. Learn more about the services offered and request workstation setup from here. Please note that a work order to Facilities Management must be placed to physically move your equipment from one office to another.

VPN access may be available to faculty, staff, students and some research assistants. If you would like to request access, use the form attached to this service.