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Instructions for setting up the lock on the Poly phone for Teams
How to access your voicemail in the Teams app on the computer, the Teams app on a smart phone and the Teams physical phone.
This article covers the first time setup of the Polycom phone used for Teams Calling.
Instructions on how to sign out of a Teams phone device.
Teams phones adds another tool to the Teams collaborative toolbox.
How to setup call forwarding and also ring on the Teams phone.
Configuring Teams Calls to work similarly to how the current Cisco phone system operates in offices.
Instructions on how to set or reset Windows to use Microsoft Teams as the default phone call application.
This article describes the process for retrieving voice mails left on department lines using Teams Calling.
Frequently asked questions about Teams Calling
How to add a Teams calling delegate.
Step by step instructions for recording a personal greeting for your Teams Calls voice mail.
Information regarding Client Service teams moving to Maine Street Station beginning in January, 2022.
Information on how to make Teams the default calling app in macOS.