Computer Allocation Process is the process by which computers are replaced and new equipment can be requested for faculty and staff. It is also the process that should be followed when requesting new (or new to them) or additional computers for employees such as casuals, interns, research associates, student employees, etc.

Articles (5)

CAP Hardware

This article describes the hardware options that will be provided during the year's annual, automatic computer replacement process.

macOS Computer Setup: New CAP Computer

This article describes the setup process for your new or replacement macOS computer. It provides directions for setting up your new computer, restoring your data using Druva InSync (if applicable) and installing self-service software using the Self Service app.

Setup a Windows computer using Autopilot

Windows Autopilot automatically configures a new Windows computer with Bowdoin software and settings.  Follow the steps below if you start your computer and receive a Sign into Microsoft message prior to logging into Windows.

Windows First Time Setup: New CAP Computer

The following article will guide you through the process of setting up your computer, restoring your data (if applicable) and installing your most used applications using the Software Center app.